Why? As I start week #25
This is what it’s all about, COVID-19 permitting.
In 2017 I had intended to enter the Conquer the Coast cycling event but it was cancelled due to Hurricane Harvey.
In 2018 there had been so much bad weather that the largely coastal 66 mile event was cancelled due to flooding on the route.
In 2019 I was finally able to realize my ambition to cycle over the Harbor Bridge. Maybe I’ll manage to do so again in 2020.
It’s an all day deal; you need to average at least 10 mph to stay in the event so I was very lucky that Cousin Ray volunteered to accompany me on this venture. He stayed with me throughout the day and I’m pretty sure I would not have made it without his encouragement.

Cycle Training 2020 #24
Week beginning June 7th, 2020