Sunday memories
Playlist: (Movie) Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
Remember the GCN video (“Friday Off” June 19th) which persuaded me that it is not necessary to train every day – today was that day.
No cycling, no yard work, and not even a stroll to the mailbox. Activity today consisted of logging into the morning church service followed by laundry and towel folding whilst watching the Will Ferrell movie listed above, and then sifting through my collection of digital photographs in search of blogging inspiration.
I’m not a big fan of Will Ferrell but this movie was brought to my attention by my friend David , who lives in Scotland, as it features a few scenes shot in Edinburgh. Even better – it also features some scenes filmed in Glasgow that are passed off as being in Edinburgh. Long live the East / West rivalry of Scotland’s two largest cities. The movie was indeed quite enjoyable.
Andrew & Emily Blackhall Park, Edinburgh Jenna in Biggar, UK Andrew and Emily Canoe Lake, Rockport, TX Visiting Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi Tabasco factory & museum, LA