Cycle Training 2020 #35
Week beginning August 23rd, 2020

Much reduced mileage this week due to weather but at least I clocked a few miles.
Confined to the house for several evenings I took to the Internet and found this photo of 2 old friends. Yes, in my youth, I was a nerdy “bus spotter” and remember this pair well.
Cycle Training 2020 #34
Week beginning August 16th, 2020

Managed a few more miles this week but still falling short of my 50 mile goal. The temperature has been in the 90F range with SSE winds around 10 to 15 mph neither of which promotes enthusiasm for cycling.
Also there was the yard work that had to be done!
On the plus side memorial Park has been opened to the public again and so some mileage can be achieved in the relative shade of the park.
Up in the air
I was fortunate enough this weekend to be offered an alternative to cycling for my mobile entertainment.
Thanks to Cousin Ray for inviting Andrew and I to join him for a jaunt in his Cessna.

Cycle Training 2020 #33
Week beginning August 9th, 2020

Off to a flying start this week thanks to Cousin Ray.
Cycle Training 2020 #32
Week beginning August 2nd, 2020

No time for cycling this week for one reason or another.
I clocked a couple of turns around our sub-division after dusk on Saturday just to be able to say I had done something.
Cycle Training 2020 #31
Week beginning July 26th, 2020

All is not lost … in spite of the bad weather
House maintenance, yard work, & other stuff!
Catchup, Roundup, Ramblings
Tropical Storm Hanna had the temerity to achieve Hurricane status before finally making landfall South of Corpus Christi.
Wet weather and flooded coastal roads were the only problems encountered. Well, that and preventing me from doing much cycling.

We spent Friday afternoon de-weeding a flower bed in the back yard and re-planting it with real flowers. Patty is happy 🙂
Saturday afternoon we repainted the ceiling in the hallway, because our old a/c unit had leaked water and damaged the plaster, and then installed a new light unit. (The new a/c unit went in some months ago at considerable expense!) Patty is very happy 🙂

Cycling – 2004. I entered a local cycle run when living in Scotland; Emily rode with me in her “cycle seat” and we were accompanied by good friend Karen. I seem to remember I had to get off and push my bike, and Emily, up one of the steeper hills on the route. Fun times.
Hanna Hampers my training progress
Playlist: (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – Rolling Stones
Thankfully Hurricane Hanna made landfall far enough South of us to be a minor inconvenience rather than a big problem. We did not suffer any damage from either wind or storm water. Some folks did sustain damage but overall Rockport was little affected. The major problem for me is the embarrassingly low mileage I managed to cover in my weekly training program. 13 miles for goodness sake!