First Bike Ride of 2022
Farewell to the non-COVID related upper respiratory infection which kept me off my bike for the first two weeks of the New Year (Happy New Year by the way!)
For the first time in 2022 I was able to take to the roads of Rockport again even although the temperature was technically below my acclimatized low norm of 75F. At least the wind had reduced from the Sunday high of 26 MPH to a more realistic 1 to 9 MPH.
As I rode through Copano Village I waved at a cyclist heading in the opposite direction from me and thought no more about it until I stopped at Fulton Harbor for coffee and encountered that same cyclist again. He is a winter Texan from Michigan (probably thought the weather was tropical – I still think it’s cold) and he was riding my route in reverse. We had a pleasant chat about suitable, low traffic, local cycling routes and then carried on in our respective directions.
Copano Bay Outbound miles Fulton Beach Road – not the usual type of crane seen here Inbound miles Coffee stop
Total miles Stats