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Day: June 13, 2022

149 Miles and Done

149 Miles and Done

Well the heat index of 105F seriously messed with our attempt to Conquer the Kansas plains. I just managed to make the 77 miles for the day although it was touch and go when I encountered the rollercoaster that was Dodge City. My buddy made it 50 miles but we realized at that point that he had to call for a SAG pickup and be driven to Spearville. That was it for our grand plans. Once “Sagged” you’re  off the ride and we had agreed to do this together. 

We were not the only riders to leave early but we are grateful for our personal best mileages and for the fact that we did not leave after arguments with angry dogs or 18 wheelers like some folks!

Sunday – Officially Day 2 of BAK

Sunday – Officially Day 2 of BAK

Day 3 for us.

Today is the longest stage of the week – 77 miles from Garden City to Spearville.
There is a decided lack of trees, or any shade for that matter, in West Kansas which means that we are cycling in 105F for most of the day!
That’s why we left at 6:26AM to get some miles in before the temperature rose to those heights.