Hurricane Harvey anniversary weekend
My children share my passion (or is bridge fever just in the blood?)

Four years ago today we flew to Scotland to walk the new Queensferry Crossing Bridge.

Bicycle Training Ride
Some photographs and a YouTube video of the 45 mile training ride Cousin Ray and I took last Saturday in preparation for the 66 mile Conquer the Coast ride on September 18th, 2021.

A Little Look at Lubbock
Andrew’s Adventure afoot

Andrew’s adventure.
As if graduating from high school was not enough for our independent young son he has got himself a job in Colarado through to November. A great adventure for him, a worry for his loving parents. We are still trying to wrap our minds around the idea that he will not be bursting into our presence every day with exited tales of what he has been up to at school, work, or play – usually delivered in an accent or mimicking someone he has met. If Andrew didn’t have other plans I’m pretty sure he would have a career on the stage!
Friday, June 18th
We packed the vehicles and set off from Rockport together. Checking on the Apple Find app told us that Andrew had decided to visit his friends at the Boiling Pot before heading North. Regardless of that decision he still managed to arrive at The Bass Pro shop in San Antonio before his parents! On we drove for about 10 hours (including rest stops) until we reached the half way stage at Lubbock where we quickly checked into our hotel and headed out for a steak dinner. Then it was straight to bed to ensure an early start the next day.
On I-37 I recognize a truck Stocking up on some gear suitable for CO
Saturday, June 19th
Anxious to be on his way Andrew declined to wait in the ridiculous line to be served breakfast at the hotel (COVID having turned a perfectly efficient self serve breakfast into a painful, six foot from the guest in front of you, wait to be served by one poor overworked soul struggling behind her face mask to make polite conversation at the same time as hustling folks along.)
Whataburger breakfast and a quick stop for fuel was to be the order of the day so we walked him out to his truck and bade farewell to our “little boy”. A few last words of advice from his parents and he jumped in the truck. Just one final request from his father – to keep us updated on his progress throughout the day each time he stopped to rest or refuel.
I didn’t really think he would call until he arrived at his destination but 90 minutes later the phone rang and it was Andrew to let me know that New Mexico has the lowest speed limits he has ever encountered on major roads. He has called several more times to advise us on his progress and at the time of writing this he is within 50 miles of his destination and out of cell phone reception.
Update: The Eagle has Landed as at 7p.m. CST

… the adventure continues.
Travelling home after walking the bridge.
Sunday May 16th, 2021
What it has all been about.
Virtually nothing has been unaffected by COVID-19
I’ve been trying to ride at least 50 miles a week in preparation for the 2020 Conquer the Coast bicycle ride.
Unfortunately, as with most things in life, the Conquer the Coast event has been cancelled due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
Nevertheless a “Virtual” alternative has been mooted. Anyone can enter and complete the course of their choice to qualify for “Conquer the Coast 2020”
Of course I registered to complete the course even although I could not ride over the Harbor Bridge (which is my main attraction to the event).
Here is a link to the video of my journey:
Cycle Training 2020 #33
Week beginning August 9th, 2020

Off to a flying start this week thanks to Cousin Ray.
Cycle Training 2020 #32
Week beginning August 2nd, 2020

No time for cycling this week for one reason or another.
I clocked a couple of turns around our sub-division after dusk on Saturday just to be able to say I had done something.
Cycle Training 2020 #31
Week beginning July 26th, 2020